Green Eyed Records empowering artists

I set up Green Eyed Records as a music platform to empower and support artists with a philosophy of creativity through collaboration. Prior to this I was approached by someone who ran a music platform seeking artists to join. When I looked deeper into the mechanics of what he was doing it was essentially a website showcasing artist materials, BUT none of the actual artists received any real benefits, so it was in my view pretty meaningless.

I then looked at how Green Eyed Records aka GER could offer practical and useful assistance to artists and to work in a collaborative manner. I was interviewed by Sylvie Simmons on my intentions for GER and the reason why I think collaboration is vital. I also talked about this in the recent Rock and Reel article which features my music activities and initiatives. Frank Wilkes from Kycker was also good enough to offer some excellent advice to artists, detailed here.

Here are some of the practical ways GER is helping and supporting fellow artists

  • Offering paid studio session work on projects
  • Sharing radio and other promotion opportunities
  • Providing subsidised advertising in hard copy music media
  • Sharing key information on how best to promote music
  • Advice on music gear and set ups
  • Offering paid support slots on live events
  • Sharing creative contacts for first class illustrative as well as audio and video production
  • Using the GER and other social media outlets to assist with artist promotions

Collaboration v Isolation

Some artists truly get the benefits of collaboration, but some really don’t appreciate the momentum this can create. To date I have examples of both mindsets. On one extreme I’ve been able to assist artists on many fronts at no financial cost at all to the artists involved. Many have had the opportunities of session work, paid support slots, free video and audio promotions and great introductions to really useful contacts in the music business.

On the other extreme I’ve been amazed by artists who wonderfully are able to ‘snatch failure from the jaws of success!” In these instances, the individuals have no interest in listening to advice from anyone else and mostly have a history of working in isolation and endlessley complaining about the very circumstance they have themselves created! This strategy of isolation is never good for emotional well being or sensible business opportunities to earn a loving.

Supportive professions who have success in music

I’m lucky to know a number of highly sucessful artists who are very respected in the music industry. All of these individuals leave their egos at the door and have been very supportive of my own work and those GER associated artists. I’m very grateful for their advice and support and our discussions confirm my own observations about “the music business.”

Tim Booth, Jim Glennie, James

I have massive respect for anyone wanting to earn a living from the arts. Most people at best scratch a living, but those who seem happiest and who do well are alwsys those who have an attitude of collaboration and consideration for others.