Category: Music business

I  was approached a while back by the guys at “Life the basic manual” to shoot some video taking about the ukulele and ukulele related subjects. Of course there are wholly my opinions and observations…

I was talking to a fellow musician recently about balancing “overexposure” and “underexposure” as a performing and/or recording artist. I think it’s a very interesting area of discussion and inevitably one that will provoke all…

I had a long conversation recently with a very established artist where we talked about “artist positioning” and artist identity. He pointed out that those artists who have created a body of work that has stood…

In my other life as “the other Nick” I work with individuals with behavioral issues as well as teaching groups about addictions and compulsions worldwide, especially in Japan. I have been involved in this work…

I was asked recently by a fellow musician, who my inspirations are as singers. I have talked a lot in the past about songwriter inspirations, but singers are slightly different. Here are some examples that have…

Transcript of Nick Cody interview with Phil Doleman  nick cody: Hi, this is Nick, and I’m here with the mighty Phil Doleman  A Phil Doleman: Hello, nice to see you, Nick. A nick cody: Good…

The importance of working on the business and working “in the business” I was reflecting today on the importance and difference of “working on the business” and “working in the business” Many artists who are…