We just finished a session in the studio working up a new track for the 2nd Heartache album due for a 2024 release with Agi, a terrific UK singer. I have known Agi for almost five years and worked with her on the last three albums, for “The Caravan of Dreams, “Code E1” and “Nick Cody & The Heartache”, released via Green Eyed Records.

She was also a key member of “The Caravan of Dreams” and is a terrific pop artist in her own right, having released a number of singles over the years.
Layers of perfect harmonies
We spent today layering harmonies for a new track originally recorded by Towse, another exceptional artist. I can with total confidence that Agi has been a total gamechanger for improving my own vocal skills. I’ve had 1 – 1 sessions with her on a weekly basis for close to five years and its been quite a journey. The initial lessons were like a baptism of fire and I coined the “This is proper work!” slogan as I began to appreciate just how much work was needed to develop great singing skills.
Not only is she a brilliant teacher, but she also has great technical insights and all of these were unleashed today in the studio.
Below is one of the first tracks we recorded on the Caravan of Dreams album “Tales of Dark & Light” which really shows her superb vocal range.
The power of encouragement for inspiration
Over the last five years, Agi’s encouragement has been a total inspiration in becomeing more ambitious in my own writing. Our weekly meetings are now mostly recording sessions for new projects. During covid we started and continued to do a lot of work over zoom, which has worked amazingly well. I recorded 42 tracks in an 18 month period and I could not have done this without her input.
There are many highlights over the years including when she encouraged me to create the multi harmony title track for the Caravan of Dreams album which at the time was a massive creative leap. Both my producer Carl Rosamond are blown away watching her work in the studio, superb musical instincts in action and an absolute joy to work with.
I am truly grateful for all the vocal assistance and encouragement over the years. I can honestly saw that that she has transformed my thinking on many levels. I’ve recommended her to a number of my students in my other life and they all sing her praises. Its rare to find such warm hearted talented individuals. Our live Caravan of Dreams appearances were fantastic fun and this was truly a super group with Fergus Quil, Jed Bevington and Rich Ferdi all part of the live ensemble. At present we are working on two new albums, the first is an album of covers which is highly unusual fro me out this Sept. Following that in 2024 I’ll be releasing the sencond Heartache album with Agi on many tracks inlcuding “Slowtime” and “Can’t Stop”

My hope is that she achieves all her musical aspirations and I suspect one day she’ll be quite famous and I’ll be able to say –
“I knew her in the early days!”