We just finished a great video shoot for a new musical project. Such events require a huge amount of preparation and planning, especially when all parties are travelling from different parts of the UK. The environment for the shoot is crucial and of course you have to think about light and sound considerations when filming, especially if you are working outside.
We chose a space in an old mill for this shoot. The good news was that the industrial vibe looked terrific and the ear trumpet Myrtle mic and the Pogreba reso guitar fitten in perfectly with the industrial theme. We also used the terrific Henriksen Bud amp for amplification as these remain the best acoustic amps on the planet!
Enter Towse
Towse are from the USA and were featured on the last Heartache album “All is fine ’til the world goes pop” which has received many excellent reviews and we’ll be doing a live show with some of this material Sept 23rd at Heart in the UK. Its an absolute pleasure to work with Towse and they always deliver in the studio and in live performances.