Covid created an opportunity for a musical reset and as well as recording a stack of new material that will be released across 4 albums over the next two years, I’m also reviewing live work.
With The Caravan of Dreams we did a lot of local gigs and this experience was invaluable in working up a live set and really getting the band “match fit” The challenge with such appearances is that with the smaller venues there are limitations on audience numbers and earning opportunities. I always pay the band regardless of any fee from the venue. Last year “The Heartache” did just one selective live appearance as a support to another artist. It was great to play to a packed room with great acoustics and to a listening audience.

Hosting artists and playing support slots
My strategy now is to organise events myself with the band supporting major artists. This is a much bigger financial and time committment, but in my view a much more worthwhile strategy. I can guarantee a much bigger audience, great sound and an overal better experience for all concerned. Previously pre covid I ran two sold out Music for The Head and Heart showcases and its become clear to me that these attract a different audience to standard gigs. This October 7th we’ll be supporting Jon Gomm at The Old Woollen which is currently my preferred venue for a really excellent listening experience. Next year, my acoustic band “The Small Change Diaries” will be supporting a major international artist in Leeds with a special guest appearance.