Music for the Head and Heart
The Story so far…
Almost 3 years ago I set up a platform called “Original Ukulele Songs” with the intention of creating a portal for all the original ukulele artists around the globe. This project included a central site and the idea was to sponsor a number of live events. However although the site and social media received good attention, I realised that the “ukulele world” was too niche for what I had in mind. There is also a massive amount of politics and status seeking in such niche interests which at times make for a very odd dynamic!
The concept behind this beta tester platform was a good one, but I realised that I needed to think BIGGER and attract a much more diverse and skilled set of musicians. Hence “Music for The Head and Heart” began to formulated.
Giving a voice to all the mavericks
In the early days of working on this platform I had a meeting with Dean Anthony Murray from the wonderful band Biscuithead and the Biscuit Badgers, to talk to him about being a guest on the platform. To my amazement we ended up chatting for three hours straight and I soon realised that he would be a perfect sounding board for the platform. Dean has a very good insight into the music business and how many excellent musicians find it very hard to get their voice out to a wider audience. The “gatekeepers” to many established existing platforms are mostly looking for a very cookie cutter type act. Talent shows on TV have not greatly helped in this respect and many record companies are unable and/or unwilling to invest in artists as in days gone by.
Music for the Head and Heart is a platform for all those artists who want to connect to a wider audience. My own experience is that these days there are huge popular bands with loyal audiences playing major venues and many really great relatively unknown bands that find it hard to reach an appreciative audience. Many of these artists are maverick types in the best musical tradition. I can’t help but wonder how original artists like Tom Waits and Neil Young would do in this current musical era.
Watch this Space…
In the next few weeks I’ll be revealing some elements of the platform including the live concert on October 26th. Special thanks to Dean Anthony Murray, Nicky Bray, Ceri Woods and Nick Bloomfield who have been invaluable in making this platform possible. Even greater thanks to all the artists who have already agreed to take part. Music for the Head and Heart is not my platform but rather a platform that gives all kinds of music lovers their own voice uncensored and as they intend. Artists can only appear on the platform by invitation and each artist who contributes to the platform can then in turn invite artists of their choice, so this platform grows organically.
Best Regards
Nick Cody