I’m a big fan of classic artist photos in music and have become increasingly aware of the importance of using good photos in promoting music. Note the term “good”, often people can settle for an “OK photo” or as they like to call them “pics” a term my official photographer Karen Turner quite rightly hates!
I don’t profess to in any way be a professional photographer, but I confess to being totally in love with my Fuji X Pro 2 camera and I now use it for everything. This was bought as a back up camera to my Leica M, but once I started using the Fuji I never looked back.
I am fast learning the value of having a camera of this quality and how best to use it. Often its about how to frame the best shot and I’m pleased with the following photos I’ve taken. In some instances there was a bit of luck involved, but I am increasingly loving taking photos, especially of musicians. Here are some I love. Are they “good” or dare I say “great?”, well that’s for others to decide!