This is going to be a busy week with rehearsals on Monday and Thursday, a full photo shoot on Thursday and another warm up gig at The Grove Tavern Thursday night. This requires a great deal of practical organisation, something I have realized is essential when running a band.
Key considerations are making sure that everyone knows where to be and when they need to be there. I often joke “Thank god we are not a 12 piece band” as meeting up requires a fair bit of planning. I always pay band members for rehearsal and gig time as I appreciate that its a tough life working as a musician. Today I’ll be figuring out what I need to take to the photo shoot followed by the gig. Here’s my list so far, but this is just the provisional list, there will be more items
- 2 Bud Henriksen amps
- 1 Blu Henriksen amp
- Furman power supply
- 2 Genaray lights
- 2 Sony MV1 cameras
- Blackwood tenor
- Baritone uke
- Gregor instrument
- Moses strat
- Bliss audio gravitas pedal
- Rat stand
- 2 mic stands
- 2 Heil Finn mics
- SM58
- Heil Mic
- 2 XLR leads
- 3 instrument cables
- 2 tripods
- Tuner
- Hat
We will be rehearsing from 3.30 pm and then doing a photo shoot at 5pm with the gig at 8 pm. Practical considerations about when and where to eat are important as well as transport. I use Karen Turner for all band photography and in the past flew her overseas for one festival because she is that good. Many bands in my view fail to appreciate the value of visuals both in stills photos and video. Often photos are “OK” but not great and video can be sub standard in picture and worse still sound quality. As I have said many times “You never get a 2nd chance to make a first impression”
I have realised that I am developing a problematic habit of needing an increasing number of instruments for a 50 minute set, but I am a fan of having lots of variation in sounds and this Thursday may be the first time ever I have included an electric guitar.
Other considerations include how much space there is on the stage for gear and players. There will be five of us at The Grove, but fortunately the Henriksen amps are small and sonically brilliant. All of this means a bonkers amount of detailed planning and I have a new appreciation for band managers and crews for touring musicians.
I write, record and play for the love of music and am lucky to be able to fund it from other work. I’m lucky to play with many superb musicians and the experience of writing, recording and playing live is an experience like no other.