Its 48 hours since I first blogged on meeting Jake and I’m still thinking about the 42 minute interview I did as well as the gig afterwards. Of course I have seen video of Jake and heard a number of his albums, but live he really is something else. It was clear to me during the interview that he is firstly an excellent musician and secondly plays ukulele. I suspect if he so wished he could become highly skilled in other instruments and it wouldn’t surprise me if this was already the case!
I have met many very skilled performers over the years and I notice that they all have an amazing drive to break new ground and a serious work ethic. In the forthcoming interview for Uke Magazine ( Jake talked extensively about transcribing and how he wanted to get it exactly right. Most humans in my view simply would not have the concentration and attention to detail for this. Watching him play from the second row of Leeds Town Hall and up close during the interview, it was obvious that he is 100% at ease with the instrument and he reminded me of Jeff Beck in that the instrument is a direct means of expression for him. Yes he is technically highly skilled, but crucially he is able to move beyond flashy technique and really make the ukulele sing.
We talked a LOT about music and who he really like. Again I suspect that few ukulele enthusiasts would expect him to reference Buddy Rich!
On reflection a great deal of Jakes playing is highly percussive, so this admiration doesn’t surprise me. He is also highly interested in the amplified sound for instruments and I noticed he was using a Fractal Audio Axe Effects pre amp, often associated with major names in the guitar world. I picked up on social media that he was asking about acoustic amps for ukuleles and referenced many I have tried out. I am also very aware of the Fractal unit which is a brilliant unit, especially for touring as it has great variety and is compact.
We talked a lot about recording sounds in the interview and I was pleased to give him a copy of The Small Change Diaries CD. The first question he asked was “Is this all original material?” My impression is that like many great musicians he is constantly looking to create new music and has a wide range of inspirations for his work. He is also clearly pleased to be in the UK and thanks to Mary Agnes Krell for making this possible!
I suspect that we have yet to see and hear the ultimate Jake Shimabukuro album and that even now he is just warming up for what will be his defining recording! Either way it was a real privilege to meet him and see someone who has such a great love of music expressed though my favorite musical medium the ukulele.
Below is a short clip of Jake talking about transcribing one of the tracks that really cranked international attention in his work!