I have recently been looking at PA options for The Small Change Diaries for live work. Yes, some venues have in house PAs, but the standard can be anything from great to terrible. I have previously blogged about the potential nightmares of working with “sound engineers” at gigs and the dreaded comment “We’ve got 2 min for a line check, then you are on” I auditioned a number of PAs, before settling on the Bose L1 Mark 2 system. This is very different to everything else I have come across to date and works brilliantly with the Henriksen Bud amps that work as uke monitors.
The Bose L1 Mark 2 is double the power of the original L1. This is how Bose describe the unit
“Recommended for audiences up to 500
24-speaker articulated line array delivers 180-degree horizontal sound coverage
Produces the most consistent tonal balance with little volume drop-off over distance
System’s interconnecting pieces allow for efficient transport, easy setup and breakdown
One B1 bass module included
Boost your performance with the L1® Model II system, our most advanced portable amplification system for musicians, DJs and public speakers. The loudspeaker delivers 180 degrees of horizontal sound coverage and our smoothest tonal balance—across the stage and throughout the room. Includes one B1 bass module for enhanced low-end performance.
Like the original, award-winning Bose® L1® system, the Model II sound system is an all-in-one innovation that replaces conventional monitors, mixers and PA speakers. And this professional sound system is packed with proprietary Bose® technologies designed to improve your amplified sound.”
Both myself and Carl the band sound engineer were literally blown away when trialing the system. Its a very different sonic experience and at first it’s tough to get your head around the fact that a single speaker column can create such an excellent soundscape!
I have long been a fan of the portable Bose systems for audio and am amazed at how Bose have managed to create such great sounds from such small units. The L1 Mark 2 similarly is amazingly portable and can be set up in less than five minutes. Next week we will be testing out the unit at Blueberry Hill Studios ahead of using it at The Wetherby Arts Festival gig next month